No data scraping or harvesting of social media accounts |
Data scraped from random social media profiles without users knowledge |
Up-to-date and current data and profile metrics |
Outdated and irrelevant data and metrics |
Real and unique influencer profiles |
Database inflated with duplicate contacts |
Public influencer profiles |
Hidden profiles that can't be verified |
No need to bring your own influencers |
Need to import your own contacts from an Excel sheet |
Work with verifed influencers directly within the app |
Unclear who you have to contact via email or if they will respond |
No limit on applications you can receive |
Limit on how many influencers you can work with |
No limit on influencer searches |
Limits on how many times you can perform a search per day |
No minimum sales amount required to join network |
Minimum $10k of sales required to join |
Search filters to help find the desired target audience |
No search filters |