Podcast Episode 26 - Scaling Brands via Personality & Entertainment | Taylor Elajas - EBN TV - AFLUENCER

Home Blog Podcast Episode 26 – Scaling Brands via Personality & Entertainment | Taylor Elajas – EBN TV

Podcast Episode 26 – Scaling Brands via Personality & Entertainment | Taylor Elajas – EBN TV

Zeljko Nemet

YouTube Chancellor

We’re thrilled to present the latest addition to Afluencer’s content lineup – our podcast series featuring insightful conversations with influential brand owners. In this inaugural article, we have the privilege of introducing Taylor Elajas, the visionary founder of EBN TV, as our esteemed guest.

Meet Taylor Elajas: The Mind Behind EBN TV

Taylor Elajas, the innovative mind driving EBN TV, takes center stage in the Afluencer podcast series. With a wealth of experience in the world of influencer marketing, Taylor shares captivating insights, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped his brand’s journey.

Podcast Premiere: Delving into the EBN TV Universe

Join us in exploring the enchanting world of EBN TV through the eyes of Taylor Elajas himself. We’ve embedded the riveting YouTube podcast video below, offering an exclusive glimpse into the transformative power of influencer marketing.

Also, listen to the Afluencer Podcast on:

Key Takeaways

00:00 🎵 *Introduction and Background of Taylor Elajas*

– TElajas’s background and ventures,

– How Taylor got started on YouTube at a young age,

– The inception of EBN (Elajas Broadcast Network) and the motivation behind it.

03:37 📺 *Transition to EBN TV and Roku Distribution*

– Taylor’s decision to create EBN TV as a production company,

– Transition from YouTube to having a Roku channel,

– Insights on how to navigate the process of getting a Roku channel.

07:38 🍔 *EBN Eats and Influencer Marketing*

– Introduction to EBN Eats and its unique approach to food content,

– How EBN Eats collaborates with influencers for restaurant marketing,

– The importance of influencer engagement and creating engaging content.

12:10 💼 *Marketing Strategies and Audience Engagement*

– The value of being a versatile Creator in the content space,

– Taylor’s approach to finding and working with influencers,

– The significance of having an engaged audience for successful influencer marketing.

18:00 🎙️ *Taylor’s Background and Influence Journey*

– Taylor started as a sports enthusiast and basketball lover.

– He gained credibility in sports by creating content and being featured in Bleacher Report.

– Transitioned to music, food, and digital marketing while maintaining authenticity and uniqueness in content creation.

25:17 🚀 *Taylor’s Future Goals and Approach*

– Taylor aims to be seen as a versatile creator and serial entrepreneur.

– He plans to release more products, put out more videos, and support emerging talent.

– Emphasizes the importance of putting a face and personality behind your brand.

28:23 📱 *How to Connect with Taylor*

– Find Taylor on various social media platforms with the handle “TaylorElajas”

– Explore his YouTube channel “TaylorElajasLive” and “EBN Eats” for content.

– Catch the Jersey Mike’s comedy special on EBN TV on Roku.

Transcription Insight: A Peek into the Conversation

Gain an insider’s perspective as we burrow into the transcription of our engaging conversation with Taylor Elajas. Discover the strategies, anecdotes, and wisdom that have fueled EBN TV’ success, all captured in this in-depth transcription.


Welcome to our influencer podcast. We’ve got an influencer interview today. We’ve got Taylor Le, Jazz and entrepreneur Entertainer out in New York. Taylor’s got 20 million ventures capacity. Where’s we’re going to ask her about. She’s going to share those with us today. Taylor welcome. We’re going to get into your as I mentioned, a million different things in a moment.

First, just general welcome. Good, great to chat with you live. And can you just tell us a little bit more about yourself, your background?


Hey, well, it’s great to be here. You know, Taylor, Ella, Jazz, I get down and dirty expeditiously, you know, And so when you get down dirty, you know, you’ve got to you gotta also eat uniquely, okay? And that’s really part of the even way you know we have even TV to shoot about Roku you know, the Ebony magazine.


That’s on Roku. That’s awesome. Okay, cool. So what’s the history? Not to all of a sudden interrupt my first question. What’s the history on eBay? I’d love to hear that background.


Yeah. So IBN, is it a jazz broadcast network? Okay, it is. But as a company in and where I had the idea to really just have the ownership of my own content and it a time where I’m not really down in YouTube business model but there was a time where I didn’t really like that there was taking a percentage of me putting together all this content, right?

So that’s why I ended up making my website and I turned it into like a whole cable network type of situation where I was showcasing my own content and people that would check it out were coming to my, you know, broadcast of content, right? So then with Roku, that came about in 2021 where, you know, I was able to be able to broadcast it where if you have smart TVs or Roku devices, you can type in event TV.

You got to watch the different shows over there.


Yeah. And yet you. Okay, cool. So take me back then. How old were you when you started with YouTube? Just getting on there and I assume, I mean, everyone starts with YouTube, right? It is. It’s it’s easy. It may not be the most favorable as a creator, as you quickly discovered, but how old were you? And as you get started with YouTube.


So I got started and you to I debate whether I say 16 or 17, but around around 17.


Okay. Yeah, yeah.


So are posting videos. And I was actually showing people how to make money on social media before I even made a dollar because of the research that I’d even done up to that point. And also the experience of just doing things where I started off with like a sports blog and my friends were writing about sports, I ended up being a a writer on a friend’s show Blazers fan blog.

And so I started in the Internet that type of way. Even, you know, I was making Instagrams for no reason from 2011, just randomly.


Are you from Portland, Oregon? How are you writing about the trailblazers from New York?


Portland I’m actually not from Portland, but others that sort blazers. You know, I was a big Rayna Roy fan.


Yeah, okay.


Yeah, I support her. You know, she’d be similar.


That’s awesome. Yeah. Okay, cool. Awesome. Awesome. That’s great. So then that evolved into your you got your YouTube channel. Go on. And then you see that they’re making the money and you’re not essentially. So do the smart entrepreneur thing. You start your own channel. How did you get a hold of Roku then? That sounds like a big effort to get a hold of.

I mean, you know, they’ve been around for a while. It sounds like maybe you got to slice through a lot of red tape to get in. Is that fair to say? It’s interesting to hear that story.


I wouldn’t say is. Yeah, I think I think everything is on the other side of a Google search is what people fail to really recognize. You know, it’s the age of the Internet. If I mean, any majority of the questions you may have, you can look it up on Google. And that’s something that I that I gave myself to where, you know, you can figure out how to get encouraging people in certain in certain companies by just finding out LinkedIn’s or just, you know, I think even just the mastering digital marketing I saved, ultimately I was able to get just knowing how to get into the past.

Those are the walls that they tried to put up, you know, like in person. If you trying to go up to a building. Right. Is probably going to be a security guard, like, oh, why are you trying to be here? Right online? That was really not there. So there’s different ways to go on these platforms. And you actually if a person has enough content and production value, you know, the average person when it becomes a company can be able to get a Roku channel is just once again on the site at Google search.


Yeah. Gotcha. So you five’s a great lesson so you found the person behind the the wall, if you will, on LinkedIn. Are the individual responsible or are you just kind of work your way? You didn’t have branded all your day. Miller made the call. You’re on LinkedIn, you found you found the individual or people there.


Or yeah, you know and.


Reached out.


You know everything is is by reaching out and I mean the the knowledge to, you know, do it by the end of day. You know it’s it’s it’s also not for everybody. So whether whether you have the information or not maybe just not for the individual but I also have that production company saw ABC-TV so I was taking those shows and I wanted to be able to broadcast and have.

One of my goals is also just to have IBN be a household name where, you know, people can can watch it on TV. And can I really I won’t say I have a short attention span, but, you know, I would rather shows over movies. Right. So I always watch a lot of TV shows growing up. So I want to be able to produce my own TV shows and habits.

Whereas like, there’s content constantly going where if you want to be to be entertained, you can be entertained, you know.


Yeah, I’m with you on that front with the, you know, I’m a dad mode where we get the get the kids to bed when I’m part of a full movie. But TV is perfect, right? Can you pull it out stream? You get that. And also during the day also, you know, I’ve never been one to carve out 2 hours for a movie.

But if you hit the short form, right, that’s kind of what you take in. So tell me about Ebony. Is that the new food recommendation magazine TV show? Tell me. Tell me about it. I didn’t get a chance to get into Ebony time on your site beforehand.


Yeah. You know, Ebony’s getting down and dirty, actually, digitally, you know, saying you need baby. And now everybody got it. But we outside and I used to do food photography back in 2017 and I was actually one of the individual. I did a concept posing on best food feed. You know, I’ve been told by somebody that that was around the time and like a lot of the O.G. foodie starting, so he called me an O.G. foodie.

I make it up. He called me one of those people. I will say to the IBNR.


You know, you get called O.G. food, you just got to go with it.


I didn’t either. I think so. We are a few years down the line, right? I ended up getting into doing interviews with chefs and I’m already an interviewer, so I started, you know, just bring that road into it and then doing food reviews with it. And so now I turn that concept and try to add my entertainment value to it.

So, you know, I feel like I’m an individual that’s bringing extra spice to the concept of being a foodie, which sometimes for people is just in their head taking videos of food, putting on a cap could never get, you know, same. But I try to really provide some entertainment value to make it, you know. So I also do like my bags with public figures and I have them try food.

I will I have food and I just try to really marry the whole content space into restaurant marketing, which, you know, outside of even being the content side of it. I’m also a business and and marketing individual. So, you know, I understand that you can’t just be the artist. You had to be the individual that knows how to push the work as well.

So, you know, I took that concept, mixed it with restaurants and food and just trying to get people to to really eat better, eat unique eats, you know, like, I mean, you know, as the pluses and kangaroo, you know, we try to do different things and even the average person doesn’t know is Exactly.


Yeah, very cool. How are these New York restaurants that you’re going into?


Yes. I mean, you said a lot of these start out in New York, but actually recently just came from Miami. We got some some content out there and really just spreading it out now. And, you know, my audience spreads out throughout the United States. I only just in New York, I would say that a lot of so in the Ebony magazine, it is this this is the summer issue is based on the restaurants in New York.

And so it was the spring issue. But when it comes to fall, it’s all going to be New York with winter. And you might you might see some Miami restaurants in the area. But we traveling to go with it. So we have sagging down dirty and all places it starts one one way and you got expanded.


That’s great. You let your followers, your fans know when you’re heading somewhere, Hey, I’m going to be in Miami or maybe at this restaurant.


It depends. It depends. Yeah, it depends. It was like a public public event type thing. I do do things with my community where I bring together for food festivals or start dinners or, you know, I also bring my influencers together and do influencer dinners. And so I she released a burger called the Eben Burger with Smack, which in New York, and we did a whole influencer dinner and I had a bunch of public figures come and try the burger.

It was like customize to where we want to put it and we also a shout out to grunts work meat company. They provided grass, grass fed Wagyu meat. Right? You meat. Excuse me. So you know and it’s great as well and we had a bunch of would you come try it and took my video watch videos and so like that.

So you know we we do try to like feed the community and you know, I’m always giving back and whatnot. It’s not just us, even, you know, Everybody got it right, guys. Yeah.


I’m fascinated also that you still have that you see value in the print magazine. And I you know, I still get a couple of my magazines sent to the house and kids love to run out to me and make fun of me for still having a print magazine. But I love it because it’s just it’s this is still you’re wearing screens all day.

I want the print. So. So as a publisher, do you find value then? I’m sure. I’m sure there’s there are logistics in terms of getting this stuff to print. There’s a time delay, there’s work, there’s a lot of work on your end versus just publishing it to a blog, to social media. But I assume you find value then in publishing something in the print form yourself?


No. Yeah, for sure. So a big thing with me was that I wanted to have an answer for whatever way somebody wanted to ingest content. Right? So, you know, you have digital, you have audio, you have print, and then you have broadcast TV. So my thought process with that was was I want to have a solution for somebody’s entertainment problem.

Right? So a lot of people are going do things in their lives and entertainment as a way to kind of just numb your brain and just not think something for a minute and just be able to laugh and enjoy. So that was something I really always saw value in from from Young write. So I was like, you know, I want to do that for whatever audience my audience spans from kids to 50, 60 plus.

You’re so guy ready to try to make like wide range of audiences in different genres, right? So, you know, with that, that being said, you know, you have like the digital people who are going to be there on their phone. You can follow our various social platforms and whatnot. They’ve got broadcast TV, you can watch TV and TV on Roku, you know, they got the print, Ebony’s magazine, we have some other magazines works as well.

But, you know, for people who want to see that those visuals and see those photos and get those descriptions and stuff like that, and you have the audio, we also have the Mercer Boys podcast built on audio streaming platforms. So you know how we want to ingest cards and we want to be there to to provide for you, you know.


Yeah, across the whole spectrum. That’s great. So as you kind of wear both the hats, right, the influencer where you’re working with the brands, but you’re an entrepreneur and you’ve got your own brands, have you worked with influencers wearing a brand hat to help promote Ebony? You name it. I know you got the new Cologne product. We got to get into.

How do you work with influencers again, just putting on your brand, your CEO hat. How have you worked with influencers in the past? How do you plan to going forward?


MM So actually with the Uber Eats restaurant marketing service that we have, we do do a lot of influencer marketing and we’ve run five viral marketing campaigns as far as 5 to 6 and more and counting, you know, you still have one set up, but so we tagged in with a bunch of foodies who and overall creators, lifestyle creators as well.

And we do specific data analysis of of audience and engagement, which is really a lot of the main important part of it, not just, you know, follower count or what have you, you know, who has engaged audiences that’s really going to converge. So that’s what we do. We kind of match up these creators like, Yo, you should make a video there to be dope video here that we don’t.

We done a various viral campaigns for All Stars, Bar and Grill and everything grilled and anti heat those So you know we we put together these these influencers campaigns that really is led to conversions where we’re trying to get real traffic into these restaurants and these businesses we can increase. But it’s not just about food either, you know, as a whole, the whole structure and how and how how it happens where, you know, we’re really trying to do content marketing, you know, like it’s important part of the world right now.

And but well, I don’t necessarily know how to truly market what they’re putting out there and doing. So, you know, we we definitely do work with influencers and we and we spread we spread the whole it’s a whole movement rather than just something that is trying to be kept to ourselves, you know?


Yeah, Yeah. Very cool. Yeah, I hear what you mean. I mean, it’s marketing itself. Feels like in the last few years it’s been a snow globe, it’s been shaken up and a lot of even experienced marketers we talked with, they’re kind of confused now because the stuff that used to work Google AdWords, Facebook, it either doesn’t work or it doesn’t work but is more expensive than it ever used to be.

And it requires kind of this creative approach, like you said, where you or it’s the same principles, Hey, this is who I’m trying to reach is my end customer, how do I best reach them? But that’s not necessarily an obvious playbook. Like, Hey, I need these foodies who are in this town maybe to drive traffic to this restaurant.

So from your if use your restaurant influencer stuff as an example, are you looking for local foodies to drive traffic because it’s local based? Are you having success on a national level to finding people who can work with even eats and promote these restaurants? How what are the mechanics of that in terms of your how you’re recruiting and finding and engaging these influencers?


I’d say it’s about the creator themselves, right? Because yes, you could be making content in this specific job or it could be working well, but say maybe if you’re transitioning into making other types of content wouldn’t do as well. But regardless, about the creator and their ability to make those videos and care about what they do right, So if a creator cares about what they do, it doesn’t necessarily what a matter of type of job you’re making content, right?

So but say just with foodies, right. That transition also where like they make spot videos. Right. And say I got a spot that I want to tap them in because I know they then make a video for it and maybe it fits location wise and and what their audience watches or what they relate to or where they live, you know?

So it’s all about that as well. But even myself, you know, I’m traveling out of New York making videos as well, because, you know, the quality of the video also matters, you know, So that is even about location. If you just put together videos and you have an audience there, which is a very large part of it, you have an engaged audience, you that’s really what matters as well as your desire to put out videos and not necessarily just follow a trend of where like, you know, you’re able to come back, what the viral trend draws you to just do, while also maybe mixing it in, but having your own style.

You know, I look for stuff like that where, you know, it’s really all about the created and the influencer. I really do prefer the word creator if you’re really on it like a creative aspect, you know, you kind of play a company, OKC put out, you may warrant that term.


Yeah, it makes sense. Makes sense. Yeah. We actually did a poll in the app, I think it was a year or two ago to influencers. So people like yourself, do you want to be called influencer creator? It was clothes influencer edged out 6040 it’s been I’m sure you’ve noticed this with your multiple hats again from a mechanics standpoint more creators appropriate, right?

Because you’re creating content. Quite the classic influencer was this kind of celebrity which almost gave the space and I say a bad name, but I think from a marketing standpoint it was tough because people blew a lot of money with celebrities who didn’t have a focused following, and that was that, you know, we still see with the brands now even smaller brands, they want the influencer for whatever reason, the creator word hasn’t stuck with them.

So it’s something that yeah, but it’s is a tricky one kind of using interchangeably because from different perspectives, you know we always try to relate to relate to both the brands and the influencers and the creators. And on that side of things. So are these people then are they already on your radar? Taylor That you’re following them on TikTok, Instagram because you’re in the space the food is and you know that their engagement is high because quality of their content is high.

Are you is that how you work? Your following people are interesting who you might want to work with, and then you’re always on the lookout for more. Just really interested in hearing your kind of pipeline, I guess, if you will, from the recruiting standpoint or partnership standpoint.



And so we do have a roster of creators that when we put together a demo video that works well on the campaign is like, okay, now we feel comfortable being able to put you in other situations and see how you work with that right outside of the app on the right. Yeah, I gotcha as that right type of strategy that we have.

We also just run a big community of, of influencers. So speaking and public figures that we connect and put into different type of situations, right? Because like I said, we’re always shooting different kinds of content, right? So I’m a work with so I also work with Chunky Vice Chicken in New York and we do like public style interviews, right?

So we have a person that, you know, they’re maybe they’re driving a song and he’s in promo and you do a video or, you know, this this person has an engagement needs that may want to ask them if that’s like something that’s dope nowadays and is actually expanding outside of you in the concept of food. Right? So I’ve even had a successful through eating videos and people that weren’t in the specific foodie space but also just have general influence, right?

So it’s really just about if you have a general influencer that gives audience taking the time to actually build that and not think that, you know, the quick success is what lasts and sustains because it’s not the thing is going to get you paid on a consistent basis. You might get the people that don’t know what’s going on and they’ll and they’ll just show you money, I guess.

But, you know, if you have that engaged audience, then, you know, that’s what really translates to not only that specific brand that’s maybe trying to look for something or even me. It just applies in general. Says you’ll get money from wherever, you know.


Yeah, it’s a great point. I think engagement, that’s something that I think the and the brand side merchants of, they’re starting to figure that out that engagement matters. They don’t yet know that that does vary in terms of the number of followers. Right. So a common question I get is, hey, what’s a good engagement rate? And that’s one of those like, well, it depends.

Right? What industry are we talking Are you looking for micro? Right. You know, the more followers you have that percentage, which I’m sure you look at that goes down over time, which is natural. So it depends. But it’s good that the brands are starting to, I think, look for that and realize it’s not about the number of I mean, a pure follower count is almost meaningless without the engagement.

Right. As as you point out. So do you find that that spills over or translates into these different industries? Because you do you review not only food but clothing, hotels, music, sports, video games, apps, cooking products, sources. I mean, you’ve got the whole portfolio here of all the of all the essentials. How do you gain credibility from you start perhaps with food, even in the restaurants and then into these other industries?

And I think you touched on that with the Spy. Hey, if we review this type of food, you know, this can also because it’s the same and customer may be right there eating at the nice restaurant, they’re going to the spot. But if you could describe how that works in terms of gaining your credibility in these additional industries.



So I think I take you along the timeline of where, like I had the influence, I can start to build a long range. So actually started in sports and basketball specifically. I had a sports blog and I was studying sports journalism as well. I even didn’t go to high school. I was the sports editor of a newspaper and I always loved playing basketball.

People always like, recognize me as a as a person that I played basketball in and stuff like that. I was that was one of my passions and pastimes. And even when I’m trying to clear my mind, I want to just, you know, plays basketball. But, you know, I was also a real realistic person. I knew I’m not going to the NBA, though, You know, think of that.

You know, I’m not like training and practicing since the age of like nine, you know, So I wasn’t doing it. I just enjoy playing basketball a lot. I like studying it. I used to be on basketball reference, just looking at people’s stats for no reason. Just because I like stuff that interested me, you know? But yeah, it’s a college.

I was still studying that and I ended up starting like a movement called Balls like Mixtape, where I would shoot basketballs on my head to paint balls by my head, so like that and had a whole community people on Snapchat really mimicking me and doing that type of stuff. So it got me to the point where I actually was in Bleacher Report and I did that and have a picture of it, whatever.

But so in sports is where I started, where I was, you know, people gave me that credibility as a as a good basketball player. So then when I’m talking about it or speaking on it, you know, they they respected my being. I even got it a part of a campaign to have a show on his Instagram page that had millions of followers that time called Wave TV.

This is like very early into me, even starting to make videos on Instagram at the time. And I think I recently started to make a reaction videos to my dad. So along the way with with the sports, I realized that unless you’re Stephen Smith, Skip Bayless or a former athlete, you’re really paying to make that much money. And that’s just realistic.

It’s okay. If that’s not your desire, then that’s your desire. But I wanted to have a certain lifestyle that I don’t think I should be in. Sports journalism is going to feed me and like, you know, the transition is there. You know, this is probably a new era now where, you know, maybe it takes less time. You deserve position.

But at that time I could see that it was going to take way longer than I wanted to wait, you know, So out of that, I that’s when I started to create the event platform and I started doing interviews and I would like go to people’s concerts or I would do my own events and do interviews, or if it was events, do interviews, interview the people, do the event or the artist or or, you know, whoever just had a platform and I wanted to tap it with, I would go pull up on them and do interviews, you know.

So outside of that transition into me getting deeper into the music world and doing more music, journalistic type things, and also interviewing artists still and being part of like people’s press runs and so like that. And I was a music reviewer in a playlist curator for, for a good amount of time. And that’s also where my credibility came into play because I’m really like, I was getting paid to review songs and give them, like authentic criticism, right?

And I was even making like kind of dash reaction videos on Instagram and I was doing like vertical Rashomon. Lot people do that in their stores nowadays, would have like kind of top and bottom where they have like a music video playing and then they’d be reacting to the video. I was doing that when Instagram was just IGTV and it wasn’t doing reels, you know, I was doing that a vertical content from then, you know, or putting myself in a box and having the bigger video, you know.

So I really always tried to just keep reinventing how content was was made in my own space or what have you. So it was outside of being a music curator and, and players of your music career and so like that. I guess I was doing food photography and then started to take the interviewing and just start interviewing chefs.

And then I also started to see in the food world how people were doing review videos and they were gaining. Audiences like that says, Okay, I should start doing those type of videos. So I started doing natural video and then I hone my own unique style. So I wasn’t just copying these people who were just going to restaurants with their phone and putting together like eight second video of food and it’s going viral.

I think that’s cool, but it wasn’t really something that also is a fact about my content experience. Well, growing up, I even like the mid teens. The twist. I was not going to eat at a restaurant if they didn’t have Instagram. I mean, in my head, you don’t care about show me what the boulevard, you know, like if you don’t want to shoot with the food or like because you can’t trust the words on the menus.

Like they gave me something completely different, what you ordered. And now you have said you paid 30, 30, $40 for it, you know. So I need to see at least them again. Second experience. So outside of outside of the doing of the food videos. And that’s when I was also starting my digital marketing agency on a time I was doing marketing for influencers, models, clothing brands, you know, just businesses in general.

So I took that model and I brought it to the food world. And then and that’s when I started promoting influencers while I was doing my own diet videos. And then that’s why I’ve been brought in the music world. So I really had access to these artists. I thought a bunch of PR friends that they need people to go to go on their pressure to do content.

So now I’m doing my badge with them. So I’ll have you also reviewed for me, you know, and just making those, those different worlds that maybe wasn’t brought together at one point. And I’m trying to bring it together.


There’s a very cool I could talk to you forever about stuff you done, the stuff you’re currently doing. I’m already running lines and fascinated by the Renaissance Man aspect of what you got going. So let’s look ahead then. Taylor What’s next for you in terms of next steps and maybe challenges that you see and no doubt you will, you know, hop over these hurdles going forward?


Well, I’m really trying to branch out of even seeing that these years as a New York review or I want to really even branch out of the concept of being an influencer or something. I really just want to be seen as a creator and serial entrepreneur that really appreciates content. And I and like I said, with my various content pillars and even audio, digital broadcast and print, I’m really trying to just reinvent how people think about being a artist or a creator, and it doesn’t have to come from just being in music as a rapper.

So my that or trying to be an athlete, you know, you can really just turn your personality into something that can be backed by a brand and you can turn views into currency, you know? So ultimately whatever I do next is always going to be in that line. But, you know, I do got the the Fall magazine on the way now.

It’s all amazing in a way. Yeah. We also will be driving podcasts of the Mercer Boys with a Z podcast. You know, we have the Bros, Boise y Cologne. You can go and type that tapping on on the app. And where is your ramblings in that bio.


Rosé Bros days Live now.


Live you know go and tap tap into that voice. Say that’s the cologne. We also have a personal.


Cologne now the perfume perfumes coming up is that right?



Perfumes coming out and coming up. So I want to maybe be able to tap into its audiences. But a lot of people do say that that why I say, you know, whether it’s a man, woman, animal, whatever they they they like, they like the smell. So I mean, blasé could be can be considered unisex. But I will say originally was a quote you know we got more clothing on the way even aware you know we we try to get into also putting on on some more artists as well guys I was big in that space and I took a kind of step back but I do love music and I want to also maybe see a different transition into into R&B and the music space, make a make a larger impact in the current space, you’re saying. But, you know, ultimately just trying to release more products from our videos, from more people and just show people is a different type of life that you may not understand exists, you know?


Yeah, I think that’s great. And you’re kind of one of your core tenants insights, I think is you put your face on everything, which is awesome. And that is something that I think a lot of, shall we say, earlier stores, first time people, they they’re hesitant to put their face on and they may have a good looking website, right.

It’s run by Shopify or or whatever and it’s a very clean looking website and there’s no face to it. There’s no personality. And that’s one thing that I always see looking is like, Hey, who’s behind this? Like, you’ve got a story, you’ve got a face, tell it. You do a great job of that. I mean, you’re one of the best at it.

So I think that’s a great lesson for everyone listening and watching it do what Taylor does on that front. So so Taylor, thank you. Thanks so much for taking us through. We’ll have you back on with your future launches because we’ll always have a million things to talk to you about for now. Can you let people know how?

And I know there’s a million avenues to get a hold of you, but how people can find you, follow you, even all the all that good stuff. Just give us a few of the main avenues there.


Maybe so you can go ahead and type in Taylor E.l AJ ask on all social media platforms. Instagram, Taylor, Ella Jazz Live on YouTube, Taylor, Ella Jazz on Tik Tok, not Tyler. It’s Taylor. People could use that. I don’t know why using Beacon also. Really?



That’s funny. Yeah. No, that wasn’t. Yeah. No, I mean, I had to ask you how to pronounce your last name, but I would never. I It’s clearly Taylor.


People, guys, and it doesn’t make sense to me and I, but we also had the Jersey Mike’s comedy special on TV, on Roku, where you can actually see me talk about the whole Taylor versus Tyler thing I’m saying. But we also have Ebony Eats on YouTube. One type that in and you could see us eat good, good foods, Also see some high quality photos on Instagram.

But it’s I mean, even for Taylor. Ella Yes, you’ll probably see a lot of stuff.


There we go. Awesome. Cool. Thanks so much for joining us on the influencer podcast. Been great. So Taylor, Ella, Jazz, Ella, Jazz, any social media platform. Ibn Ibn eats all that good stuff. Thanks again, Taylor. And as ever.


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