social media marketing Archives - AFLUENCER

Posted on February 09, 2024

Perform Social Media Risk Management Like A Boss

Social media has transformed the way people communicate and interact with each other. Businesses now have the opportunity to utilize social media to increase revenue by targeting and embracing these new channels. If executed properly, social media can provide an organization with a key strategic advantage. However, if not done correctly, it can expose the […]

Posted on October 06, 2023

SEO vs Social Media: With Great Power, Comes Great Marketing – Decoding Your Digital Dilemma

In the cosmos where digital marketing choices are as diverse as the pages of a comic book, we stand at a crossroads. Picture your brand as a seasoned collector, surrounded by a wealth of options. Two stand out: the methodical art of curating a vintage comic book collection (SEO) or the dynamic thrill of engaging […]

Posted on September 26, 2023

Social Media Organic Reach Decline: The Defensive Strategy

Social media platforms’ algorithms are constantly evolving, and as a result, organic reach is increasingly becoming difficult to achieve. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have introduced algorithms that prioritize content based on factors (like relevancy, engagement, and user preferences). It’s for a good reason: These algorithmic changes make these social media platforms’ advertising options more […]

Posted on September 06, 2023

SEO vs Influencer Marketing: Igniting Digital Evolution for Unstoppable Success

Imagine a marketing arena where strategies duel like gladiators, each vying for supremacy in the quest for online victory. In one corner stands the master of search engines, SEO, armed with keyword sorcery and algorithmic finesse. Then in the other corner, the influencer marketing maverick steps forward, wielding the power of authenticity and human connection. […]

Posted on August 18, 2023

🎯 Scoring Social Media Content Creators for Your Brand with Afluencer

If you’re on social media, it’s highly likely that you follow a social media content creator. You’ve watched them grow in their career, seen some of the benefits they bring in for the companies they partner with, and thought, “This is what our brand needs”. You’re definitely on the right track. In fact, according to […]



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