4 Steps To Help Protect Your Small Business During A Pandemic

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4 Steps You Can Take To Help Protect Your Small Business

Ana Vanevska

Social Media Guru

Containing the coronavirus outbreak has been at the forefront of everyone’s mind these past few months and countries throughout the world have implemented restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the deadly virus. Small business owners have found themselves facing an uncertain future and figuring out the next to protect their business is no easy task.

Protecting your business and your health as well as the health of your workforce can seem nearly impossible. Leaving many people worried about what the future of their business will look like, especially if a temporary closure is necessary. There are 4 steps you can take to help protect your small business during the pandemic.

4 Ways to Protect Your Small Business

1. Be Upfront With Your Customers

Sorry We Are Closed - Protect Your Small Business

Being open and honest is the best way to approach communication with your customers during these times. Everyone is facing uncertainty regardless of whether they are business owners, self-employed, or full-time workers. Eliminate some of that uncertainty by being proactive and letting your customers and your community know about the steps your business is taking and the changes you’re making.

If you’re limiting your open hours, closing temporarily, or switching your in-store options for online and delivery, let your customers know. The easiest way to do this is to add a section to your website outlining all changes and use social media to let your followers know where they can find all relevant information.

2. Protect Your Employees

If it’s possible, working from home is the best way to protect your employees while still keeping your business operational. For those who have never worked from home before it may feel strange at first but you will quickly adjust.

Video Conferencing - Online Alternatives to Protect Your Business

If it’s not possible to make a full switch to WFH, look into different ways you can limit social contact. Switching to online platforms and offering delivery services is the best way to keep person-to-person contact to a minimum. While at the same time still providing your customers with service and products. If you’re not sure which changes are the right ones for your business use social media to ask your customers for their input. This is a quick way to find out what they want.

3. Start an Online Shop for your Small Business

Move your sales online. This is one of the best steps you can take to protect and keep your small business operational during these times. It is now easier than ever to sell online if you haven’t already set up an online shop. It creates a means of generating an extra stream of revenue to keep your business afloat.

In many countries, postal services are still running. However, many companies are also offering the option of doorstep deliveries that involve no contact.

Online Grocery Shopping - Alternate Sales Avenues to Protect Your Small Business

You can also offer an alternative to your refund policy. Where customers have the option to choose a voucher or gift card instead of a cash return. Thus, offering even the smallest of support to your business. This should not replace your standard refund policy. Instead, it should be available as an option for the customers who want to support you.

4. Protect your Small Business by Staying Active on Social Media

Active on Social Media - Engaging with Customers and Business Partners

Even if you have to shut down your business for a time, don’t stop posting on social media. Social media platforms are a great way to keep interacting with your customers. Safeguard the future of your small business by keeping them updated on what is happening and staying engaged with your community.

Staying in touch and showing solidarity with your audience is a great way to strengthen your relationship and get your business bouncing back when things return to normal.




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