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How to Make Money as a Social Media Influencer

Becoming a social media influencer and making money from it is the dot com dream of new generations. Successful social media influencers have made themselves so relatable, authentic, and real that anybody thinks that they too know how to become a social media influencer. Of course, as any of the successful influences will tell you. […]

What Makes PewDiePie So Good?

We all know he got married. In fact, Felix aka PewDiePie getting married was such a big deal that we’re guessing it was probably more talked-about than the Royal weddings—and of course, it was far less boring. Business Insider broke the news of his marriage, and so did Express UK, BuzzFeed, The Sun, CNN, and almost […]

How To Become A Social Media Influencer

There’s no denying that we are the digital and social media generation. This has had a tremendous effect on the world of marketing. Where brands are turning away from more traditional forms of advertising. And instead, choosing to focus their efforts on using social media to advertise and promote their products. Allowing them to connect […]

How to Become an Influencer in Canada

Canada is not far behind when it comes to influencer marketing. You will find micro-influencers in Canada working to create an online presence. If you love social media and want to make money online, then it may be a good idea to become an influencer in Canada. Let’s talk about how to become an influencer […]

Review: Daniel Wellington Campus Influencer Program

If any brand deserves a standing ovation for influencer marketing, then it’s the one and only disruptive Daniel Wellington. In fact, this global designer watch brand pioneered the influencer marketing revolution on Instagram.  How many brands can say they grew to $200+ million in sales over 4 years from Instagram influencers? Boasting the most influencer […]