Want to get selected for brand deals, collaborations, and features on Afluencer? Read on to learn best practices to optimize your Afluencer profile for maximum opportunities on the platform. Our directories give you exposure to thousands of people, so we encourage you to invest the time to take this seriously!
Crafting your About section will signal your digital skills, expound on your passions, and share your motivations for creating online content. And bonus: the following tips can help you make a rocking biography that you can repurpose on your website and in featured articles (like one of our blog roundups!).
Just a few tweaks to your profile can make a world of a difference and help you stand out from the thousands of amazing influencers on the platform. Check out the examples we’ve included from some creators who have put a lot of thought and care into their profiles.
Create An Afluencer Profile & Start Partnering With Top Brands
We are home to brands and influencers specializing in various industries. Come join our fast-growing platform today!
With no further ado, here are our top tips for jazzing up your Afluencer profile. Some of them are very quick and easy, some may take a little time, and all of them are very worth the effort for your personal brand:
Complete the About Section of Your Afluencer Profile
First and foremost, fill out the About section. A surprising number of creators leave this blank, which makes their profiles hard to find during keyword searches. And even when they are found it’s hard to know if they’re the right fit for a campaign or collaboration. Photos, follower counts, and insights don’t fully speak for themselves, so make sure you take the time to complete this important section to share more details about who you are and what you do.

Start Off Strong and Clear
The first line of the About section is most important because that’s displayed when browsing through the influencer list. Think of this as your profile’s introduction or headline, as you would with writing an Instagram bio. The first 190 characters you write are shown in search results, which limits you to approximately 35 words.
Don’t waste this precious space!
Instead of starting with filler phrases like “my name is Whitney” or “Hi, I’m Whitney!”, jump right into what you do. You can even use the vertical bar character (|), which is located over the backslash (\) key, to separate out keywords and phrases. Don’t worry – you can get friendlier in the sentences beyond this preview text!

Optimize Your Afluencer Profile with Relevant Keywords
In addition to tagging your interests (an option you’ll see underneath the About section), make sure that you put the same keywords in the body of your bio. Think of the words that pertain to ideal partnerships and what synonyms can be used (ie “mom” vs “mother” or “ketogenic” vs “low carb”).
If you’re not sure what keywords to include, browse through the Brands directory and find phrases that companies you want to work with are using. You can do the same thing by searching through the Collab programs. If all else fails, look at the categories your accounts are listed under on social media and refer to the hashtags you use the most (just leave out the #).
For example, if you want to partner with Adoratherapy, make sure you use keywords like wellness, beauty, mood, happiness, and/or self-care.

Connect and Mention Your Social Accounts
We encourage you to connect your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts to your profile to display detailed stats. If you don’t add each of those accounts, you won’t show up when certain search filters are applied, which means a brand or potential collaborator may not discover you!
Additionally, it helps to mention these social media accounts in your About section too. You can also include the platforms that aren’t currently integrated into Afluencer, such as TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest. That way if someone searches for creators using these platforms they can easily find you.
Crazy fact: when publishing this article, we had 3,000 influencers using the Afluencer app, and only less than 150 of them made a point to connect their Instagram accounts. This simple decision can literally filter you out of opportunities – don’t let that happen to you!
Simplify Your Language
Focus on common words that brands and influencers utilize to help them find you and determine if you’re the right match for a campaign or collaboration. Generally, potential partners aren’t too concerned with how sophisticated you come across in your bio.
You can use tools like Word Rake and The Up-Goer Five Text Editor to make sure you’re being straightforward. Find alternatives to buzzwords like “passionate”, “expert”, and “creative”; these words are so overused that they’ve become fairly meaningless.

Make Your Afluencer Profile As Detailed As Possible
Flush out your About section with as many pertinent details as you can. Treat this as if you were crafting a passionate Instagram caption or detailed blog post. Be clear and concise and show, don’t tell. Words don’t convince people that you’re worth working with so you need to demonstrate your qualities in the way you describe yourself and fill out your profile.
Consider taking a skills assessment to find the right way to describe yourself. Share case studies from previous collaborations. The About section helps demonstrate your passion and commitment to working with others. Who are you beyond the metrics of your audience size, platforms, age, gender, and location?

Make it Scannable
Format your About section with paragraph breaks, bold text for headers, and bullet points. ⚡ You could even toss in some emojis to add some flare and draw attention.
👉 That makes it easy to skim and find key information quickly. Plus, it’s nice on the eyes and looks polished.

Emphasize Your Value
When writing your bio, ask yourself, “what’s in it for them?” This will help you focus on how you can be of service to others and it puts you in the shoes of the reader.
For example, share more about what you specialize in, who your audience is, and what results you typically receive from campaigns. Bring to life why your skills matter and what difference they make to your community and the people you’ve collaborated with in the past.
What do you have to offer and why should the reader contact you for a partnership?

First Person vs Third Person
Curious whether to write your “About” section in first person (ie “I am”) or third person (ie “she is”)? The answer isn’t black and white.
Traditionally, professional biographies and about sections are written in the third person, while personal bios are in the first person. However, since creating online content often blurs the line between personal and professional life, this decision is really up to you.
Social media tends to be informal gathering places and the first person can feel friendlier than the third person. Job applications are often written in the first person, which is worth keeping in mind if you consider Afluencer a place to find work (which we hope you do!).
Ultimately, we recommend writing how you most feel comfortable and using a style that suits your online brand.

Personalize Your Afluencer Profile
Include details in your About section that highlights your uniqueness and showcase your personality. Ideally, add this in towards the end, as this part is less business-oriented.
Although, you can really grab someone’s attention with the right opening line.
Convey your sense of humor, share the results of a personality test you took, or reveal a little-known fact about yourself. Tell your story: why do you do what you do and what makes you tick? How long have you been creating content? Do you have a nickname?
Think of this part as the icing on the cake – if someone notices this section of your About then you could really stand out from the crowd and win them over.

Leave Out Redundancies
There’s little need to mention your age and gender in your About section unless they are relevant to your work. Instead, add these metrics in their designated sections of your Afluencer profile (you can fill out Birthday and Gender under your name) and they will display on the right sidebar.
Sometimes age group and gender are used to filter influencers during a search when they pertain to the selection process. If these factors feel crucial to you, add them in the second paragraph or towards the end of the About section to increase your chances of showing up in the search results.

Include a Photo in Your Profile
As you know with creating social media accounts, the right photo goes a long way. In the case of your Afluencer profile, your photo shows up in search results. So it’ll give browsers an impression of who you are, what you do, your style, and your level of professionalism.
Choose an image with a vibe that suits you and your goals on this platform. We recommend using a headshot or a well-lit, close-up photo of yourself instead of your brand’s logo. (Or an image of your dog or cat… unless it’s the main focus of your account).
In fact, when your face takes up around 60% of the photo it stands out more than a faraway picture of yourself.
Bonus tip: Did you know that you can also include a header image in your profile to spruce it up even more? This grabs attention, sets the context for your page, helps it stand out, and makes it more memorable.

Double-Check How Your Afluencer Profile Reads
Use a spelling and grammar checking tool (like Grammarly) to ensure that you’ve spelled words correctly. Otherwise, you may risk not showing up in certain searches.
For example, there’s a notable difference between writing “TikTok”, “Tik Tok”, and “Tick Tock”.
This also helps you communicate clearly and effectively, which allows you to lead with professionalism.

And last but not least…
Review It (Baby) One More Time
Preview your profile through the eyes of a brand, an influencer, and a member of the Afluencer team. Consider whether you’re helping these potential partners decide whether or not to collaborate with or feature you.
Is there anything you can add or subtract to make your About section clearer? Can you format it to be more scannable? Are there additional words you can include to make it easier for searchers to find you?
Then, show your profile to someone else for feedback to see if they catch any mistakes or can suggest tweaks. And when that’s all done, read your About section out loud to verify that it sounds and feels right to you.
Don’t forget to click “Save” to update your amazing new profile!
We want you to shine on Afluencer because we believe in you. There are countless opportunities on this platform. And these tips will help you align with beneficial collaborations and partnerships for many years to come. We can’t wait to see what comes of this, so please keep us posted on your success stories!
P.S. if these tips feel like they’ll take too much time and effort, don’t abandon ship! Take advantage of our concierge service when you sign up with one of our paid plans. We will have one of our very own in-house creators whip up content for your Afluencer profile. And we promise you will not be disappointed!